Longtime buddies, Mr.G and Duncan Forbes’ bond was forged over countless expeditions in search of vinyl treasures and their shared affinity for Soho’s eclectic vibes.

Regular banter over Duck and Rice became their ritual and cemented their friendship. However, it was their meeting at Glastonbury a few years back that set their creative spirits ablaze. Ever since then, these two sonic sorcerers have been on a tear, dishing out remixes for Phoenix G and 49North. The culmination of their collaborative wizardry came in the form of their inaugural studio masterpiece, ‘Curry Nite,’ which dropped in late 2022, leaving fans salivating for more.

Now, spring of 2023 the duo unveil their sonic opus, ‘All Under One Moon,’ crafted during an otherworldly full moon weekend in Duncan’s hallowed studio. Fuelled by raw enthusiasm and unshackled by any preconceived notions, the duo embarked on a musical adventure guided solely by their boundless love for the craft. In the words of G himself, ‘two old friends, united by their passion for music, having an absolute blast in D’s studio. It took us ages to get here, but truth be told, it caught us both off guard. The sum of our parts is something extraordinary. The beauty lies in the freedom we experienced while creating music. What a sublime moment.’

On paper, it may appear to be nothing more than two mates tinkering away in the studio with their beloved toys, but when the record spins, the truth reveals itself. These kindred spirits, fueled by their unyielding devotion to House, Techno, and all the sonic realms beyond, seize this rare opportunity to jam with unbridled liberty. It is only when you contemplate the sheer musical repertoire that each of these obsessively inclined maestros possesses individually that the magnitude of their collaboration becomes mind-bendingly rich and stylistically explosive.

Prepare yourself for an album that transcends boundaries, weaving a tapestry of sound that draws from the deepest wells of their collective influences. ‘All Under One Moon’ is an irresistible testament to the indomitable synergy that exists when like-minded souls join forces.